Error with words in spanish

I am new in meteor and I have developed web apps in English; however, Now, I need to develop an app in Spanish, but when I use words such as "ingeniería biomédica “in the localhost, I have these webpage " Ingenier�a Biom�dica”, Can someone help me ?, what do I need to add to the meteorsJs to fix this?
This is my code

                          El Club de Ingeniería Biomédica tiene como objetivos la difusión de la ingeniería biomédica a nivel institucional y nacional, además se preocupa por el aprendizaje extracurricular de sus miembros. Para esto, el club promueve eventos de alto nivel para impulsar el desarrollo de ciencia y tecnología en el campo de la ingeniería Biomédica en el país.

In my web app is this

Try adding <meta charset="utf-8"> to the <head> of your main.html

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Hello, thanks for answering me. I tried that, but did not work, is there something else I can try?

Maybe try <html lang="en">

The tag <meta charset="utf-8"> is I think necessary, but it may not be enough to solve this problem. Please make sure that the text you are writing is actually UTF-8 encoded. If you use Visual Studio, UTF-8 is the default charset how the files are written.