ES6 Super class doesn't hold state

I’m trying to figure out what’s going on here, as the Parent/Super class does not have data after the initial construction.

// imports/server/a-and-b.js

class A {
  constructor(id) {
    // make MongoDB call and store inside this variable
    // ...
    this._LocalVariable = FieldFromMongo;
    console.log(`this._LocalVariable: ${this._LocalVariable}`); // => This has a good value, ie: 'Test'
  get LocalVar() {
    console.log(`this._LocalVariable: ${this._LocalVariable}`); // => This has a undefined value when called from child class
    return this._LocalVariable;

export class B extends A {
  constructor(id) {
    this.TEST = 'THIS IS A TEST';
  get THE_Variable() {
    console.log(`super.LocalVar: ${super.LocalVar}`); // => This has a undefined value when called
    return super.LocalVar;
  get GETTHEVAR() {
    return this.TEST; // => This returns 'THIS IS A TEST'

// imports/server/test.js

import { OptsFactory } from 'imports/server/factory.js'

const B = OptsFactory.BuildInstances(id, 'B');

const THE_Variable = B.THE_Variable; // => always undefined

const TEST = B.GETTHEVAR; // => Always returns 'THIS IS A TEST'