etting up Google Analytics for iOS and Android platforms

I want to install Google Analytics on Android and iOS platforms so that the app will automatically track data when it is built. Please help me with this issue.

I remember I used to do Mobile analytics the same way I did Web.
In summary:

  • import the library in your highest component where you can read the pathname. For instance react-router has a hook for React useLocation that returns the pathname too.
  • Call the analytics function/hook every time your pathname changes with the pathname as a parameter (as per the syntax of the analytics framework you use). You can use something like this: analytics - npm but you can also use the google analytics without middleware.
  • Create your own functions/hooks and export them for actions and other things that
    you want to track (click on a button, play on a video, etc)

However please be aware of this
Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 8.46.35 AM

Screenshot 2024-02-25 at 8.44.36 AM

I use in all my projects.