Event for when user logs in?

Im using React and I need an event for when the user logs in. What is the recommended way to do this?

I found this thread but its a few years old and also not React specific, does it still contain the best approaches?

Have you checked the Accounts docs?

Hi - I don’t know about the recommended way, but this is roughly how I do it.

/* LoginForm.jx */

import React from ‘react’ ;
import prebind from ‘meteor-react-prebind’ ;

/* called by NotLoggedIn.jsx */

export default class LoginForm extends React.Component {

constructor( props ) {
	super( props ) ;
	prebind( this ) ;
	this.state = {
		user: "",
		pass: "",
	} ;

componentDidMount() {
	this.refs.usernminput.focus() ;
handleLogin( input, evnt ) {

	if ( input == "user" ) {
			user: evnt.target.value
		this.props.userChanged( evnt.target.value ) ;
	} ;

	if ( input == "pass" ) {
			pass: evnt.target.value
		this.props.passChanged( evnt.target.value ) ;
render() {

	let user = this.state.user ;   //  login
	let pass = this.state.pass ;
	return (
		<p className="senter-text phont14">
			<b>Click the "X" above to close this form and display other options.</b>
		<div className="loginform">
				<div className="list">
					<label className="item item-input">
						<span className="input-label"><b className="phont20">Username</b></span>
						<input ref="usernminput" value={ user } type="text"
							onChange={ this.handleLogin.bind( this, "user" ) } />
					<label className="item item-input">
						<span className="input-label"><b className="phont20">Password</b></span>
						<input value={ pass } type="password" onChange={ this.handleLogin.bind(
								this, "pass" ) } />
				<div className="login-button text-center">
					{  /*  this.props.login is from Profile, the login fn is in NotLoggedIn  */  }
					<button onClick={ this.props.login.bind( null, this.state.user, this.state.pass ) }
						className="button button-outline button-assertive">
						<b className="phont20">Log Me In</b>

Then in NotLoggedIn component (the parent of the LoginForm component above), it has the login() function something like:

login() {

	let that = this ;

	if ( this.state.user && this.state.pass ) {

		Meteor.loginWithPassword( this.state.user, this.state.pass, function( error ) {
			if ( error ) {
				that.setState( { user: "" } ) ;
				that.setState( { pass: "" } ) ;
				alert( "There was a login error. The error is **  " + error.message + "  **." ) ;
				return false ;
			} else {
                               //  whatever
				that.props.nowLoggedIn( true ) ;
				return true ;
		}) ;

–ciao, jw