Events.js:72 meteor up deploy

i tried everything what i found in net but nothing helped me… i try deploy app in my server on Debian 8.2, and every time after: mup deploy i got this:

Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments

Building Started: /Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/myName/Google Drive/_projects/Coda/lottato_com

throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: spawn ENOENT
at errnoException (child_process.js:1011:11)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:802:34) 

my mup.json look lik:

  "servers": [
  "host": "server IP",
  "username": "root",
  "password": "blablabla"
  "setupMongo": false,
  "setupNode": true,
  "nodeVersion": "0.10.36",
  "enableUploadProgressBar": true,
  "appName": "myAppName",
  "app": "/Volumes/Macintosh HD/Users/myName/Google Drive/_projects/Coda/myAppName",
  "env": {
"MONGO_URL": "//<login>:<password>",
"ROOT_URL": ""
  "deployCheckWaitTime": 15

i can’t handle with this issue almost 3 day! i tried deploy form server, change path, but it still didn’t work and don’t yet work…

and when i try to look in log, i got this:

Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments

[] tail: cannot open ‘/var/log/upstart/lottato.log’ for reading: No such file or directory
tail: no files remaining