Exception from Tracker recompute function (ReferenceError)

I’ve read a great article about using react-router v4 on The Meteor-Chef, and I want to refactor code from JS to JSX in react component Authenticated.js but got an error:
I mean from this code:

const Authenticated = ({ loggingIn, authenticated, component, ...rest }) => (
  <Route {...rest} render={(props) => {
    if (loggingIn) return <div></div>;
    return authenticated ?
    (React.createElement(component, { ...props, loggingIn, authenticated })) :
    (<Redirect to="/login" />);
  }} />

to this code:

const Authenticated = ({ component: Component, logginIn, authenticated, ...rest }) => {
  return (
    <Route {...rest} render={props => {
        if (logginIn) return <div />
        return authenticated
          ? <Component {...props} {...rest} loggingIn={loggingIn} authenticated={authenticated} />
          : <Redirect to='/login' />

But I got an exception error in browser: