I’ve been exploring Meteor for the past weeks and I love it. Thank you so much for the effort you put into it!
I’m working on an app that was started an AngularJS app - using IonicFramework. I would like to benefit from Meteor’s data sync features but I wouldn’t bother rewriting the whole app using Blaze.
How can I extract the 3 packages that provide this functionality in a separate server? How can I use Meteor just as a server while still benefiting from MiniMongo on the client?
I’ve seen attempts like Asteroid, but it lacks functionality. You don’t have complex queries like Livequery and you don’t have MiniMongo.
Create a dummy app and remove all the standard packages. Then add packages you need. Then run meteor build and extract the compiled files for browsers.
Now I have another issue. In my client I try to connect through DDP to the “server” like this:
var ddp = 'http://localhost:3030/';
__meteor_runtime_config__ = { 'DDP_DEFAULT_CONNECTION_URL': ddp };
<!-- this is the code I got from `meteor build` -->
<script src="meteor-client.js"></script>
Unfortunately it doesn’t log anything to the console and I’m not sure how to debug it.
Adding webapp makes the code above functional. However, I don’t like the dependencies webapp brings.
Looking through the code for the webapp package, I couldn’t understand how it relates to DDP? Why adding it makes DPP work as expected? How can I replicate that part and not use webapp