Farewell meteor-talk :)

Testing 123… :). This will be much better than google groups.

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Awesome! This is way better than Google groups! Just a little funny that the new Meteor forum was built with Rails and Ember, though. :grinning:


Yeah, tought the same. Maybe someday we’ll have meteor-powered forums :smile:


I am okay with most of the styles. They are not modern, but the style and everything is built for speed and engagement.

I think this is quite okay. Nothing much to change.


Just to chime-in, I agree that this is an awesome addition to the Meteor community as a whole. I think we’ll only start knowing what stylistic stuff to change once we’ve been using it for a while, for the time being I’d say it looks great!

Discourse is great and it has many features that are just genius and worth to be implemented in other projects too. Would be nice to see it rewritten in Meteor someday:) The forum looks and feels great, amazing addition to Meteor web.

Hello to everyone here! It’s good to have a new home for our Meteor discussions :smile:

Yeah :smile: I’ve been off meteor-talk for a while due to the spamming etc. looking forward to trying forums out!

  // Testing js code highlight :p
  var foo = function() {};

I’ve made a userstyle to make the post area a bit more compact and fit more posts in the screen, in case anyone cares: https://userstyles.org/styles/110949/compact-meteor-forums-discourse

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UI is good one. Actually it’s better to have less elements, we can focus on content of the post easily. :+1:

If it is to modern it will become unmodern very fast! :wink:

This forum feels very solid and unintrusive.
I like to use it!

I was not aware of this forum until Sam Hatoum referred me to it in response to a question I asked him regarding ‘The Meteor Testing Manual Newsletter’ and using Amazon Web Services, specifically AWS Tools for Code Management and Deployment where I am sure to post some questions to this forum.

Thanks go out to the Meteor Development Group and everyone involved in setting up this forum which seems to more tightly integrate with the website making it easier for all of us to communicate without distractions of spam and such.

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I love it, I just wish MDG were pedantic enough to call it http://fora.meteor.com :wink:

Maybe at least some redirect?




that’s a quality post right there.

Yes, I used to subscribed to it. Now time to join a new horizontal line

Test embeded code :fish:

byebye and Hello new forums :slight_smile: