Fast Render 5 beta

:wave: Hello fellow Meteorologists!

communitypackages:fast-render@v5.0.0-beta-0 has just been released for your testing pleasure. If you are using this package in an app please give this a thorough run through, and report any issues to the github repo.

This release was focused on removing fibers to make the package compatible with Meteor 3. At this time server rendering that requires calls to Meteor.subscribe probably will not work. That being said you should be able to use FastRender.route with SSR to get the data sent to the client using this.subscribe within the body of your route callback. I will focus on getting Meteor.subscribe to work in the coming weeks as I progress on upgrading communitypakages:react-router-ssr for use in v3.

Additionally, beta versions of both communitypackages:inject-data, and communitypackages:picker have been released to facilitate the upgrade of fast-render. If you use those packages independently of fast-render please give these a test run as well.

I’ll be working to release stable versions of these packages asap. If are feeling generous, and would like to support this work, visit my Github Sponsors page.


Awesome! Thanks a lot! Will try adding it back in the next release of Literary Universe.

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