FastRender with custom user fields?

Puzzling this out right now.

staringatlights:fast-render doesn’t appear to be picking up the custom fields correctly in my current user subscription.

Meteor.publish('currentUser', function () {
    const id = this.userId;
    return Meteor.users.find({
      _id: id
    }, {
      fields: {
        discordUsername: 1,
        "shipping.address": 1,
        shirtSize: 1,
        discordId: 1,
        "guilds": 1,
        avatarUrl: 1,
        theme: 1,
        unreadMessages: 1,
        services: 1,
        turnipBuyPrice: 1

This is causing the hydration to fail because the ready() handler is false on the client. Has anyone run into this?