Fibers Public Roadmap and Meteor 3.0

I think breaking changes can be avoided. All Meteor APIs are already exposed globally via Package.*. By implementing an ESM customization hook, the Package.* references can simply be exported to the import statements of any native modules.

This will be very similar to what I’ve done with native client-side ESM: my import map simply maps the specifiers to a file that exports stuff from Package.*. (Note, import maps are on the Node.js roadmap as an alternative standards-aligned way to achieve this later).

Customization hooks also allow transpiling content (f.e. they can read a .css file (from the specifier of an import statement), and make the default export be a string containing that CSS, and we can do similar with TypeScript, etc).

File caching would be needed to avoid compilation every single restart if files haven’t changed. A customization hook could also communicate with a dev server that provides cached results.

Here’s the Node’s example on how to begin to add URL imports like Deno: Modules: node:module API | Node.js v21.5.0 Documentation

Here’s a sample of what implementing meteor/foo modules might look like:

// meteor-hooks.mjs
export function load(url, context, nextLoad) {
  // Handle 'meteor/*' specifiers
  if (url.startsWith('meteor/')) {
    const lib = url.split('/')[1] // f.e. "tracker" in "meteor/tracker"
    return { format: 'module', source: `export default Package['${lib}']` }

  // Let Node.js handle all other URLs.
  return nextLoad(url);

User code for that implementation pattern would need to get the default instead of a named export, and type defs would need to be adjusted, but it would work:

import tracker from 'meteor/tracker'
const {Tracker} = tracker

Alternatively, if we ensure that meteor packages all export the Uppercase name of the package, we can make it a named export:

// meteor-hooks.mjs
export function load(url, context, nextLoad) {
  // Handle 'meteor/*' specifiers
  if (url.startsWith('meteor/')) {
    const lib = url.split('/')[1] // f.e. "tracker" in "meteor/tracker"
    const pascalCased = dashToPascalCase(lib) // f.e. tracker to Tracker or foo-bar to FooBar
    return { format: 'module', source: `export const ${pascalCased} = Package['${lib}']['${pascalCased}']` }

  // Let Node.js handle all other URLs.
  return nextLoad(url);

And then user code would be more like today’s:

import {Tracker} from 'meteor/tracker'

Doing it on native ESM with customization hooks (and/or with import maps later) you won’t have to worry about this. The native module resolution algo will handle that.

No longer resolve hooks (CommonJS), but customization hooks.

That’s a good point. I’ve yet to experience a problem big enough where I needed to bundle my app (with native CommonJS or with native ESM), but it imagine it could certainly be needed.

Bundling would be an optimization for that case, but I think it should be built anew, not based on the ecmascript package, but perhaps on something like esbuild or Vite if not something custom. It will need to support standards like import.meta.url which, when bundled, should not change meaning (console.log(import.meta.url) should log the same both with no bundling or with bundling).

I think the first step will be to get the native ESM mode working, without any such optimizations up front.

Trying to do it all at once will be far too much work, and having a plain ESM mode will already be ideal to begin with: people can start to use their own build tools to target native ESM mode, f.e. compile their own TS to JS, while existing users with existing apps can, for now, continue to use ecmascript and typescript packages.

An initial native ESM mode will usable for new Meteor apps, while existing apps may have migration work to do, but at least it would be a good start until optimzation features come later.

Even starting with no customization hooks, and just global Package for Meteor APIs, and user code as plain ES modules, would be great. Any step that gets us onto on the native ESM path will be great.

It won’t be needed with native ESM, the native loader read exports fields.

Wooo hoo! It runs! Excited to give this a test drive!


ESM, please! It’s 2024!

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Hello everyone!

Here is another update on what we’ve been working on in the past few weeks.

We fixed an issue where Symbol.asyncIterator on Cursor was not working. We updated the Reify package inside the core where it wasn’t updated yet. Also worked on issues like: Insert not working for collection created of the fly.

Right now, we are working on:

We also moved forward with the docs, and it’s looking really good. Here is a sneak peek:

We are planning on releasing a Beta 1 pretty soon, so stay tuned!

You can follow the updates on our overview doc , and on this Github PR


Hello everyone!

Here is one more update.

We release one more Beta, this one being beta.4.

It includes:

We’re already working on the tasks for the next one, so stay tuned!

You can follow the updates on our overview doc , and on this Github PR.


Hello everyone! If you are still not aware, a few days ago, we released our Beta 6!

You can check more about it here.

Your test and feedback is really important. See you soon!


Hi y’all! Just a quick update.

We’ve been working hard to finish some tasks in the past couple of weeks, and soon (between this week and the next one), we’ll release our last Beta!

After that, we’ll start working on the first RC right away.

Right now, I’m working on this PR, which is really important as it’ll update our skeletons to work with Meteor 3.

We also have this one that we want to fix before releasing this Beta. Then we’ll be ready.

That’s it for now, see you soon!


I just organized the content of the discussion and added estimated release dates for the last Beta and first RC versions.


For those deploying to AWS Node machines (EBS) or those using AWS SDK (such as @aws-sdk/client-s3) after 1 of May, Node 14 is no longer supported. Announcing the end of support for Node.js 14.x in the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) | AWS Developer Tools Blog

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I did not find any related announcement about deployment to AWS being affected by the drop of support of Node 14 from AWS SDK for JS V3.

P.S. This just reminded me that I need to move a number of projects from AWS SDK V2 to V3

I get the notification in Meteor 2.x projects where the SDK is installed.

I tried to deploy a Node 14 on a Node 20 machine and it didn’t work. Node 14 cannot be selected any more. If you have a new project it is possible that it cannot be deployed (although the bundle packs its own Node 14). If I remember right, I had problems related to node-gyp. I would assume the Node 14 AMI still exists after 1st of May and new machines can be started in the same autoscaling group.

In the worst case scenario, I believe deployments can be done on custom AMIs.

Node 14 is available until September 30, 2024, according to this page:

We have Meteor (and node 14) running on EB instances that come with Node 18. I don’t think the underlying installed version matters - as Meteor then runs it’s own bundled one.

How are you deploying to production? Did you mean that you are running the meteor tool in production (with the bundled node version)?

We do not run “meteor” nor the “bundled node version” in production. But our custom AMI uses the meteor team’s forked node version. Some folks might be ok with the provided AMI by AWS

We use mup and the EB plugin.

mup will use nvm to install the version of node required by meteor - so the version bundled with the AMI isn’t important.

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AFAIR the problem with deploying Meteor 2.15 on a Node 20 machine in EBS was related to Python and the compilation of/by pre-gyp/node-gyp which I think is used/necessary by bcrypt.

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Updates about the first Meteor 3.0 RC Release:

Due to some roadblocks, our ETA for the RC Release has been postponed to 19th April.

These are the tasks for the first RC:

Estimated Release Dates

  • Last Meteor 3.0 Beta: March 26, 2024 - meteor update --release 3.0-beta.7
  • First Meteor 3.0 RC: April 19, 2024
  • Meteor 2.16: We plan to start working on a release after the first RC

You can follow the updates on What’s left until an official Meteor 3.0? Discussion, and on the Release 3.0 PR.


It is time for a Weekly update :tada: :comet:

We are proud to say that we have the first Release Candidate for Meteor 3.0 :star_struck::partying_face:
You can check more details about it here.

The priority of the next RC will be to review and fix issues with Cordova’s experience.

Next Releases:

  • Meteor 2.16 [PR]
    • We plan to release it by the end of this week.
  • Meteor 3.0 RC (next): May 3, 2024.
    • The plan is to have a new release candidate every 2 weeks.

You can follow the updates on What’s left until an official Meteor 3.0? Discussion, and on the Release 3.0 PR.


It is time for a Weekly update :tada: :comet:

We are proud to say that we have the Release for 2.16 beta :star_struck::partying_face:
You can check more details about it here .

Tasks and fixes for the next Meteor 3.0 RC:

Next Releases:

  • Meteor 2.16 RC [PR]
    • We plan to release it early next week, probably Monday (May 6th).
  • Meteor 3.0 RC (next): Friday, May 3rd, 2024.
    • The plan is to have a new release candidate every 2 weeks.

You can follow the updates on What’s left until an official Meteor 3.0? Discussion, and on the Release 3.0 PR.


Can this be included in the next RC candidate?