Figuring out how to properly insert line break with {{#each}}

I’m using meteor 1.8. I have a collection, and i should display only 5 elements per row,

i have code like this:

    tasks: function(counter){
        return Tasks.find({}, {limit: Template.instance().max.get()});

So from helper limited number of tasks returned, then i display the button to load more.


{{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}}

    <div class="tasks">
            <div class="row">

            {{#each tasks}}
                <h5>{{}}</h5> <!--and so on-->

        {{#if needsData}}
              <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="needs-data">Load More</button>


I have a question, how can i display only 5 elements in each loop, and then conditionally insert break? so each 5 elements would be wrapped into :slight_smile:

<div class="tasks">
            <div clas s="row">
            <!--5 elements -->
           <div clas s="row">
            <!--5 elements -->

so pseudocode:

            <div class="row">

for(i = 0; i < tasks.count(); i++)

    if(i + 1 % 5 == 0){
            <div class="row">

Something like this. I tried creating a helper to check for current index:

breakme: function(counter){
        if(counter == 0){
            return true;
        else if(counter % 5 == 0)
            return true;

        return false;

and in my template:

<div class="tasks">
            {{#each tasks}}
              {{#if breakme @index}}
                 <div class="row">
                <h5>{{}}</h5> <!--and so on-->
              {{#if breakme @index}}

Unfortunately because the HTML is compiled you can’t do that - instead, have a helper which returns an array of cursors, or an array of arrays

tasks() {
const tasks = [];
let counter = 0;
Tasks.find().forEach(t => {
 if (!tasks[counter]) {
  if (tasks[counter].length === 5) {
return tasks;

then in your template

{{#each taskList in tasks}}
<div class="row">
 {{#each task in taskList}}

Hi, not sure whether you only need a visual thing or there is some more logic you want to put in place. If you only want a visual thing you can use in general flex positioning, % width and css…

.your-cssclass { width: 20% }
.your-cssclass:nth-child(5), .your-cssclass:nth-child(10),
.your-cssclass:nth-child(15)... { ... do something with every 5th element }