Find all sets within document

New to meteor and mongo!

Trying out sets, think I’ve got the hang of inserting new sets just having troubles now displaying them with ng-repeat. My collection looks like below.

db.quotes.find(); { "_id" : "rk6vhYrfZ9Jh499da", "quoteName" : "BIG QUOTE", "owner" : "55h5zBWwakSZDFGLQ", "customerKey" : "demo110120162043", "createdAt" : ISODate("2016-01-18T20:26:23.257Z"), "quoteLines" : [ { "_id" : 1, "productId" : "SPANNER", "lineDescription" : "tools", "qty" : "1", "price" : "20" }, { "productId" : "CAR", "lineDescription" : "Good 1", "qty" : "1", "price" : "9000" } ] }

I’ve tried setting up a helper… Whats needed to store all the sets within the selected document in to an array quoteLines?

quoteLines: () => {
return Quotes.findOne({_id: $stateParams.quoteId}).quoteLines;

p.s using angularjs as a front end!


Ignore this, what I had actually worked!