Find().fetch() with multiple conditions not working


I’m trying to fetch some data from appointment table. But when execute the following code, data not fetching. In my mongo I have data with matching criteria. Any help would be appreciated advance.
Can anyone check the condition which I’m giving right or wrong.
var timePeriod = {

  to: 1512412200000,
  from: 1511807400000

var List= appointment.find({$and:[{‘appointmentDate’:{$gte:Number(timePeriod.from)}},{‘appointmentDate’:{lte:Number(}},{‘url’:{$eq:‘’}}]}).fetch();

mongo collection data
"_id" : “SpwCxi4CsxDFanvrf”,
“appointmentDate” : 1511952239000.0,
“appointmentTime” : 1511952239000.0,
“appointmentEndDate” : 1511955839000.0,
“appointmentEndTime” : 1511955839000.0,
“purpose” : “t”,
“hostName” : “boase”,
“status” : “pending”,
“hostId” : “Tct2pRanpHW5pju6A”,
“url” : “”,
“visitorsList” : [
“id” : “9i8u9tFwyuFi7xjmE”,
“name” : “test1”,
“signIn” : 0,
“signOut” : 0

Code formatting helps people to help you:

var timePeriod = {
  to: 1512412200000,
  from: 1511807400000

var List= appointment.find({
  $and: [
    ‘appointmentDate’: {
    ‘appointmentDate’: {
  }, {
    ‘url’: {
mongo collection data
  "_id" : “SpwCxi4CsxDFanvrf”,
  “appointmentDate” : 1511952239000.0,
  “appointmentTime” : 1511952239000.0,
  “appointmentEndDate” : 1511955839000.0,
  “appointmentEndTime” : 1511955839000.0,
  “purpose” : “t”,
  “hostName” : “boase”,
  “status” : “pending”,
  “hostId” : “Tct2pRanpHW5pju6A”,
  “url” : “boaseenterprises.ezvisitor.com1”,
  “visitorsList” : [{
    “id” : “9i8u9tFwyuFi7xjmE”,
    “name” : “test1”,
    “signIn” : 0,
    “signOut” : 0

lte should be $lte

(didn’t look any further)

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