FindFromPublication + publish-composite or publish-with-relations

Is it possible to use FindFromPublication with reactive join packages such as publish-composite or publish-with-relations? If so, is there a sample I can look at?

Primarily I am looking to do something like

FindFromPublication.publish('user-organizations', function() {
  return Organizations.find({
    _id: {
      $in: Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId}).organizations

I have tried

FindFromPublication.publish('user-organizations', function() {
  if (!this.userId) {
    handle: this,
    collection: Organizations,
    filter: {},
    mappings: [
        key: 'organizations',
        collection: Meteor.users,
        filter: this.userId
    options: {
      fields: {
        name: true
      sort: {
        name: 1

But it just gives me all the organizations.

Hi @trajano any progress on this ?