FIREFLY -- the first IDE built for meteor

Now don’t ready on meteor package.

If you have issues with reloading, I can probably help - let me know. I love this IDE idea.


That’d be awesome! Reloading is quite a tricky problem. We have a few guesses how to deal with it.

Now I can find on atmosphere, but don’ have anything when http://localhost:3000/firefly-ide.

I guess you could stop hot code reload for the /firefly-ide path, or what are you thinking would be a valid option?

Yeah, you can use the reload package to manage this stuff, but it’s not well documented. I’ve worked with it before so I thought I could be useful.

Oh nice, you made that package which prevents hot code pushes maybe? Can’t remember the name

Yep, this one:

Hmm package is on atmosphere.js but just renders the firefly header when you navigate to /firefly-ide ?

It is correct, we are in development process, that’s why there is nothing yet.
But you can leave advice for us, what is most important: leave advice
And you can join to our team of customer advisory, you need just to email

I’ve already emailed and have not received a response.

Do you have any updates?

How does it compare to Cloud9: ?

It is very similar to our concept, FFIDE will be more adaptive for Meteor.

One issue I see already is that when firefly:ide to a meteor app, it adds additional packages (such as iron:router and twbs:bootstrap). However, these packages not only affect firefly:ide, but affect the original app as well. Is there any plan to isolate firefly:ide’s dependencies from the rest of the application?

Also, when in production, is there any plan to support authentication to the admin so he can edit the app’s code right in the browser?

Otherwise, great idea and I look forward to using it.

Will it support Jade, Coffeescript and have a navigate to, autocomplete and error checking that will actually work?

Right now I’m using WebStorm and at about 80% on each of these five things. If you can produce an IDE that gets 95%+ of these things, I’m on board. :slight_smile:

Now could I try it? when I add, it show only welcome page.

Maybe firefly:ide package could run completely separate meteor application in the background and proxy /firefly-ide to that application. I think this kind of an isolation would be perfect. I haven’t get my invite yet so i couldn’t try it. Correct me if i’m wrong but from what i read here i believe FFIDE should currently stop working while your application has errors.

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+1 for CoffeeScript and Jade support.

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What’s the status on this project. It’s been several months, and it seems like there are no updates or announcements to the community on it’s progress. I’ve checked atmosphere to see if there is any news, and it appears there has been no updates or beta releases.

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