Flow Router is dead. Long live Flow Router

Any updates?

I see the start of FineRouter here: https://github.com/kadirahq/flow-router/issues/677

Looks like the Kadira team went off to do Storybook and are completely ignoring all messages about their previous work. That is really sad, since they were such an important part of the community here. Now we can’t even get a single message out of him.


Sad indeed. Now if you’d like to contribute to FineRouter (aka FlowRouter), please PM me on here or github and I’ll give you a contributor role or just submit a PR and if it makes sense I’ll pull.

That’s the price of free open source software.


Im afraid for the whole mantra project, having a big app depending on it.

mantra has luckily not much code itself. It’s basicly just some wireing.

I hope mantra get’s some more momentum from the comunity. I currently use it a lot and thing this is really a good approach.

But I also hope that @arunoda and co. start looking for contributors for their repositories. I understand that they currently want to focus on storybook, but they should at least open their repositories to the community, if they do not want to maintain them.

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I’m all for Iron-Router that is what I use. But it seems that the major part of the community is moving over to Flow Router which is also been recommended by a number of people. As a package owner I think it’s correct to support both.

+1 for removing iron:router dependency and make it easier to use houston together with flow-router.

Hi guys,

has the community already decided which package to use for FlowRouter’s future? We should ALL use THE SAME ONE instead of creating our own folks with little fixes here and there (p.e. see Spacejam phantomjs no route for the path /local flowrouter).

@sashko: How about putting a recommandation for FineRouter (or another package that you recon) in meteor guide, so that the existing energy gets bundled?

The FlowRouter is in the Guide and since it is a project of Kadira it might be logical for MDG to maintain it, following the news of them buying out Kadira.

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We’re not going to become the primary maintainers of flow router, but I’d be happy to replace the link in the Meteor Guide to point to a different package - is there one that a lot of people are using as a replacement?

I’ve been using FineRouter - FlowRouter fork - for a while now. Maybe we can use it as a replacement if @aadams continue to maintain it?

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Flow Router is fine in my experience. Does basic routing and that’s all I want from it. React Router is also an obviously great alternative.

Not sure why everyone is freaking out for no reason.


https://github.com/VeliovGroup/flow-router Seems to be a much more actively maintained and feature-rich version. VeliovGroup also maintains several other very useful Meteor packages and @dr.dimitru is really quick and responsive. You could consider their fork too :slight_smile:


I think a good first step would be to ask the community if someone(s) would like to take over maintenance of FlowRouter. It’s still very fit for purpose and IMHO the best outcome would be for it to continue being supported by the community

Thank you for mentioning us :slight_smile:

flow-router-extra package already mentioned as alternative at Blaze docs


We have tried to contact FlowRouter team several times to become a maintainers.
All end up with this post.

I’ll ask what the status of that package is - the acquisition on the other post is specifically about the Kadira APM product, but we should see how we can find maintainers for some of the open source packages as well!


Once again, note that FlowRouter is actively supported by VeliovGroup/flow-router with great support, and last day released

  • Build-in flow-router-helpers
  • Overall code linting
  • Compatibility with meteor@

enjoy it :slight_smile:


Recently released meteor@1.5 brought great performance enhancements and dynamic import(..), we’re happy to introduce dynamic per route import(..) in flow-router-extra.

Our test app, which was ~4MB, using dynamic import(..) initial load weight reduced to only ~800KB!
Try flow-router-extra now tell me how it work for you.