FlowRouter/BlazeLayout reloads entire page?

I was under the impression that if I navigate to a new route, only the changed templates defined in BlazeLayout.render() would be re-rendered.

Instead, when I navigate to a route, the entire page is reloaded.

Is there some basic setup missing? Is this the default behavior?

Some code:

   FlowRouter.route('/', {
		name: 'home',
		action: function() {
			BlazeLayout.render('appLayout', { left: 'bar', main: 'middlet' });
	FlowRouter.route('/test', {
		name: 'test',
		action: function() {
			BlazeLayout.render('appLayout', { left: 'bar', main: 'testTemplate' });

EDIT: So changing the route using a <a href=""></a> seems to work as expected, the template changes and the page doesnt reload. So why when changing the URL via the address bar does the entire page reload?

Fairly sure changing the URL via the address bar will always trigger an entirely new page request (as if the domain was different), it is specific to browser (UI) behaviour

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In your case, left won’t get re-rendered, but main will.
Add console.log in your Template.middlet.onCreated as well as for testTemplate