FlowRouter current route not changing

I use a layout in which i display a navigation bar with links for pages, and i have rules in routes.js like this:

FlowRouter.route('/url1', {
    name: 'test.url1',
    action: function(params) {
        BlazeLayout.render("layout1t", {main: "url1"});
FlowRouter.route('/url2', {
    name: 'test.url2',
    action: function(params) {
        BlazeLayout.render("layout1t", {main: "url2"});
FlowRouter.route('/url3', {
    name: 'test.url3',
    action: function(params) {
        BlazeLayout.render("layout1t", {main: "url3"});


        <a href="/url1">

        <a href="/url2">
        <a href="/url3">


   var route = FlowRouter.current().route.name;
   if(route === "test.url1"){
        return "this is url1";
     if(route === "test.url2"){
        return "this is url2";
     if(route === "test.url3"){
        return "this is url3";
    return "";

As you can see i have a helper in layout js from which i want to get current route name and return appropriate text to be displayed on page. For some reason route stays the same.

For example. i go in browser http://localhost:3000/url1
after that i see in console test.url1

Then if i CLICK AND NOT GO IN BROWSER URL on a links /url2 /url3 nothin happens helpers not getting called for some reason. All other data is reactive i checked, only helpers in template seems to not be reactive for some reason. Is it normal behaviour and how to solve this?

Hey, I can see your layout file is named layout1 with your Blaze template and in your routes file you used layout1t for the Flowrouter layout for each route. Make appropriate changes first to see what happens…

According to the flowrouter documentation

Get the current state of the router. This API is not reactive . If you need to watch the changes in the path simply use FlowRouter.watchPathChange() .

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