I would like to dynamically load template using flow router from database but unfortunately flowrouter does not have any waiton helper. What is the best way to accomplish it. I prefer not to name templates after my slugs.
contractRoutes.route('/:slug', {
name: 'createContractRoute',
subscriptions: () => {
action: (params) => {
let contractTemplate = Collections.ContractTemplates.findOne({slug: params.slug});
BlazeLayout.render('layout', {main: 'createContract', contract: contractTemplate.template});
The best way to accomplish the same thing is to install the flow-router-helpers package and then use {{#if subsReady}}Template display logic{{/if}}
August 31, 2015, 3:16pm
You are still rendering “Layout” and passing arguments to it. So you can handle waiting and all these data tasks in that layout template. Or 1 layer lower in kinda data loading templates.
And than have separate sets of user facing templates.
Differentiating on these template levels is pure convention, but can improve reusability a lot.
August 31, 2015, 3:29pm
I think you’re doing the subscription part wrong
subscriptions: function () {
this.register('contracts', Meteor.subscribe('allContractTemplates'));
Then you can wait on that particular subscription to do something pretty easily by making your own helper or using flow-router-helpers
contractsReady: function () {
return FlowRouter.subsReady('contracts');
Then in template
{{#if contractsReady}}
// contract stuff here
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Thank you guys. Especially to you corvid. Your solution worked well. Here is the complete source code for those interested.
<template name="createContract">
<div class="col-md-4 col-md-offset-4">
{{#if subsReady 'allContractTemplates'}}
{{> Template.dynamic template=getContractTemplate}}
getContractTemplate: () => {
let slug = FlowRouter.getParam('slug');
let contractTemplate = Collections.ContractTemplates.findOne({slug: slug});
return contractTemplate.objectName;
Flow Router
contractRoutes.route('/:slug', {
name: 'createContractRoute',
subscriptions: function() {
this.register('allContractTemplates', Meteor.subscribe('allContractTemplates'));
action: () => {
BlazeLayout.render('layout', {main: 'createContract'});