FlowRouter-Extra packages updates 🚀

Hello fellow meteorites!

I’m excited to share the latest updates to three essential Meteor.js libraries that I’ve been maintaining since 2015: ostrio:flow-router-extra, ostrio:flow-router-title, and ostrio:flow-router-meta.

These packages streamline tasks related to managing routing, document titles, and meta-tags within Meteor applications. With the recent release of Meteor v3 and Blaze v3, I’ve updated these libraries to ensure compatibility and to introduce compatibility with modern asynchronous patterns, making them powerful tools for building scalable web applications today for tomorrow.

Read this article with in-depth details on new features and usage examples

Release notes:

What’s new in short: action, data, and onNoData hooks are now async! Meaning we can call Meteor’s async APIs like Meteor.callAsync and .findOneAsync inside data or even inside action hooks. Opening whole new possibilities for exact-code-splitting approach for Vue, React, Svelt and any other front-end frameworks. I’ve provided React, Vue, and Svelte usage examples in this article, should it become a part of the docs? Lmk

And let me know what do you think


Which router and what front-end library/framework are you using now with Meteor.js? What features do you miss in your current implementation? Drop its code sample.


Hey I love FlowRouter, it’s why I designed poon-router. Now I use it at 3 companies and it really chooches


@james awesome, I’m glad it inspires new NPM packages, open source rocks :metal::rocket:

Thank you for all your efforts. Your packages are amazing :star_struck:


Thank you :pray: I’m glad you found them useful

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You went overboard :smiley: with the AI generated images

It’s truly inspiring to see someone supporting OSS packages for so long. Thank you Dimitry.

Hopefully you can spare some time for your #1 package once you’re done. Cheers!


I hope you don’t mind images, I’m gonna use more of them in future articles :sweat_smile:
Updates to no.1 and other packages are coming soon
Thank you for the long term support Harry :pray: