I did some React learning today. Here’s the experiment to work with React without JSX hell: https://github.com/daveeel/hello-react-meteor-livescript
So that you could write something in Livescript like:
render: ->
if @data.post
_div do
* _a { href: FlowRouter.path('/') }, 'Back'
_h3 this.data.post.title
_p this.data.post.content
_div 'loading...'
Instead of:
getContent() {
return <div>
<a href={FlowRouter.path('/')}>Back</a>
render() {
return (this.data.post)? this.getContent() : <div>loading...</div>;
This is naturally much more readable than JSX if you are used to Jade. Even better if you also use Coffeescript. Best if you use Livescript for it’s functional power.