Function .find to match today date

May i know how to match the “datetime” value = today on each Match?


isToday: function () {
const today = new Date();
const matchdate = Matches.find({}, {datetime: today});


{{#each match in matches}}
{{#if isToday}}

but how to use it in .html?

I take it you are new to Meteor.
There are 2 ways depending how you need this data.

  1. Publish it from the server (see Meteor Pub/Sub). In very brief, publish on the server, subscribe from the client (Publish and subscribe | Meteor API Docs)
  2. Fetch this data with a Meteor Method. Declare the method on either server side or common (both server and client): Methods | Meteor Guide

Would you please give some hint?

I would like to highlight red when the match.datetime = today, Am i correct below?

{{#each match in matches}}
<tr class="center aligned"  {{#if isToday match.datetime }} bgcolor= "red" {{/if}}>
    matches() {
        return Matches.find({}, {sort: {datetime: -1}});
    isToday(datematch) {
        const today = new Date();
        return datematch === today;