Galaxy / Meteor Up

It seems like Galaxy is open for testing now. Awesome work MDG :slight_smile:

Hope I get a chance to try it out soon

So, the question is what’s the state of Meteor Up after Galaxy. I know it’s too early to decide that and MUP and Galaxy won’t be a 1-1 mapping ever.

But, I’m wondering what we could do for MUP after Galaxy.

  • Will it be a way to do test deployments?
  • Will it be a way do production deployments?
  • Could we kill it?
  • MUP will be MUP. Nothing needs to change.

Need your ideas guys.


Well, while i’m sure galaxy is gonna be awesome, it won’t be the only solution out there… And it doesn’t look like there’s gonna be an mup equivalent for those who would use different system than the ones provided by MDG, so i think mup should go on his own road :wink:


I don’t know which way it should go now, but I’m a big, big fan of MUP and I’m deeply grateful that you’ve made it available to the community.

I’d like to see it continue to be available for production deployments when Galaxy is not a viable option.


Definitely not kill it!

I agree with @shad I don’t think MUP would become obsolete, because many people might want more configuration than Galaxy can offer - for example, with their own servers.

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Are there any details as to cost yet?

I’m going to guess it’s not going to undercut $5 at Digital Ocean…

I’d imagine MUP will continue to be needed and loved! :thumbsup:


MUP is a great tool, thanks for making it!

Even with Galaxy, some (me?) would prefer to deploy on premises or cloud based VM and MUP will still be useful for theses cases.

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Definitely one of them. The app i have under meteor aren’t build for public use, so galaxy isn’t really useful to me.


MUP should absolutely be kept the way it is. Galaxy is a lock-in solution, whereas MUP allows you to deploy anywhere. I’m extremely grateful for MUP.


Keep it the way it is. It’s is a different animal. It has to live it’s own life :smile:

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Okay guys. Got it :smile:


Depends on how Galaxy is implemented and the scale of Galaxy. I haven’t heard a lot of important details yet

MUP is great! I think there will always be a use for it. I’m excited to see what Galaxy is going to be like, but I know for sure there’ll be deployments of mine where it won’t make sense.

$5 at DO is really hard to beat. That being said, if they do manage to hatch a plan that matches $5/mo., then Galaxy has a good chance of taking a lot of business away from DO.