Gaming together

So after a day of coding, I occasionally spin up a game to play. From the multiplayer games I play the most Guild Wars 2 (Ruins of Surnia server), but don’t have anyone to play around with. So I want to propose funding a relaxing guild (if there is interest) of Meteor devs, so that we can play together for the fun of it and some relaxation.

Another game that I might be interested in playing would be Minecraft. Really love to build stuff.

If you are relaxing by playing games, which ones do you play? Would you like to join in to relax and have some fun?

I play Counter-Strike sometimes with other Meteor developers but the distance is a problem for cases like you (Europe or Japan) and me (Brazil) :frowning:

I got tired of GW2… Maybe I’ll get back to it in the future. Minecraft is fun, but hear me out, Fortnite released a Lego MMORPG (I guess that’s right) mode that’s actually fun! hahaha

But the game I play most nowadays is Valorant, mostly on the weekends.

A pity. GW2 is more fun if you have people to run around with. That is why I am looking for people to start a guild with and play in a relaxing manner.

The good thing is that the base game is also free.

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We have a Literary Universe guild in GW2 ready. We are looking for members. If you are interested in getting started to play casually let me know and I’ll be happy to boost you.

I love playing sports games mainly. Fifa, Nba, Madden are my favorite ones.

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