Getting profile name in VueJS

Hi all,

I’m struggling to display username in my VueJS app. I just can’t figure out how to reactively grab the character name, since Meteor will initiate loggingIn() before the user is properly logged in.

For example:

    <div class="top-bar">
        <div class="avatar">
            <span class="avatar-img"><img v-bind:src="charImage" /></span>{{ charName }}

    export default {
        name: 'topbar',
        data: function() {
            return {
                charImage: '',
                charName: ''
        meteor: {
            data: {
                charName() {
                    if( !Meteor.user ) {
                        this.charName = 'Loading...';
                    } else {
                        this.charName = Meteor.user().profile.eveOnlineCharacterName;

This displays noting. In fact, it doesn’t even show Loading... where I think it should. It was my understanding you put the reactive data in the meteor block?

Any suggestions or examples of displaying this? To confirm, I’m definitely logged in.


The correct syntax is:

        meteor: {
            data: {
                charName() {
                    if( !Meteor.user ) {
                        return 'Loading...';
                    } else {
                        return Meteor.user().profile.eveOnlineCharacterName;

@akryum the man himself! :wink:

That’s still not working for me. Even changing it to:

meteor: {
    data: {
        charName() {
            if( Meteor.loggingIn() ) {
                return 'Loading...';
            else if( !Meteor.user() ) {
                return 'Loading...';
            } else {
                return Meteor.user().profile.eveOnlineCharacterName;

Doesn’t work! :frowning:

It’s definitely something to do with the reactive data. Am I missing something?

Running Meteor.user().profile.eveOnlineCharacterName in the console works fine.


Did you install vue-meteor-tracker npm package?

import VueMeteorTracker from 'vue-meteor-tracker';

Meteor’s logingIn() and currentUser() are just global helpers provided by Accounts packages. You can make it a Vue mixin or put into Vuex to achieve similar effect.

Though something like this.$user would be nice to have. I need to finally learn how to write such plugins.

Well don’t I feel dumb, it was exactly this.

Thanks a lot @akryum and also a big thanks for your packages, they’re great!

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