Getting started with Material UI

You can speed up the DatePicker by making the date range smaller. It defaults to 200 years.

minDate = {new Date('January 01, 2015 00:0:00')} 
maxDate = {new Date('January 01, 2020 00:0:00')}

Ah, that makes sense - I had reduced the range to a year, but even still it was pretty slow. I just reduced the range even further to 4 months, and it is much faster. Thanks for the input.

One other issue I have noticed though is a flickering of the browser scroll bar when Dialogs are opened (including DatePicker), which shifts all elements over to the right and then back to the left really quickly. It only happens on pages where the scrollbar is rendered (page content height is greater than browser window height). Have you noticed this at all?

All clear about 1 and 2
3. Multiselect, theoretically, exists
4. Not so easy, I found this issue

@rdagger - I prefer to install with meteorhacks:npm, and cosmos:broserify

Example app:

I performed the manual install based on your link and everything works, but I noticed there are now 2 react folders that appear to be identical:


@rdagger - That seems to be normal.

You also have isSpecialWords:

Can you look to this repo? Maybe I did smth wrong or wrong version )-:

You can’t just npm install, you need follow this process:

Edit: Actually, in the kickstarter app you’re using, it looks like it goes in webpack.packages.json, but I"m not familiar with that.

It may be due to incorrect versions of the components?

Like I said, you can’t just npm install

I can’t in regular Meteor App, but in this kickstart app - yes, I can.
I also tried antd components - everything working.

Sorry, I don’t know in that case, but I might have to look at that kickstarter then!

Kickstart + flow-router - very cool.
I asked the same question to the author of a kickstart. I’m afraid I’m quite torment him with questions …

Is the project documented anywhere? (Blog?) The README is a bit terse…

I think here

Working fine here. Try import rather than require?

OK, I will try…
But FormsyDate and FormsySelect not working at all…

Hmmm… no, you’re right - only half working. I guess kickstart is still immature (as is formsy-material-ui to be fair)

Hi not sure if anyone has mentioned before (didnt read all comments) theres a oackage called materialize-css that has material UI with a grid system that works like bootstrap

Its in atmosphere so easy to install etc.