Getting your daily work done with MeteorJS

You lost me, if you got hundreds of people wanting to do it, why are you complaining that no one can do it?

As for the deploy button, it is meteor deploy typing that in your shell will “just work” or almost.

I’ve sent you the codes so you can easily deploy in a single command, very straightforward. A one time setup is required, also do I have to remind you you need to set up linux yourself first? Also, the dockerfile could also be used as a very good source of information for anyone WILLING to create an install shell script.

All that MS FrontPage did is send it through FTP… You can also do that with meteor. Actually, even using SSH directly from your deploy capable IDE. You could setup your IDE to use SSH to transfer files, and make use of the automated file change detection of meteor… This would run in development mode, but this could do just fine! With that set-up, you’d choose the file(s) or folder(s), right click, and pick deploy.

Now you are talking about NGINX, which has nothing to do with meteor itself, but is a great addition to the stack. I do use NGINX in mine, but I took all that part off as it requires more configuration of course. If you want to keep it simple, then keep your stack simple, just use meteor.

On your project, will you be using a VCS? If so, you could easily add a hook in there to deploy. A lot of tools can help you do so pretty easily.

You are right, but it is not relevant with the subject at hand. To make the analogy the same we would have to say that the painter does not have to learn how to build and frame his own canvas. And he don’t “just want to take a brush and start over”, he wants to “take a brush and start over without going to buy a canvas, without learning to build one, without asking for someone else to build one, he just wants the canvas to magically appear, and be able to flick his fingers at the end for the frame to create itself.”

WannaCry only infects Windows machines, maybe Linuxes using WINE… And yet you were saying that Windows is the almighty developper’s requirement. I say, that’s basically why developpers don’t want to stay too close to windows… But meh.

Anyways, cloud providers, hosting providers, and everyone in this ecosystem have their reason to be and each have their own field of expertise. I do understand that you want your own internet-less server and all. But please, do understand that doing everything yourself will be harder than having someone do all the work for you.

@benjamn I feel this thread is going no where and the tone is getting worse. If we could get a word or two from MDG about their take on an eventual " ‘Meteor One-Click-Deploy’ to our own server" it would be helpful. I personaly would just close the thread, but that’s me. Maybe move it to deployment at least?


@sashko I think this thread needs to be closed. With all my respect to the author and people involved, but I frankly think the discussion and tone are not focused on getting something positive and/or actionable.


When you feed the trolls… I’ve had my fair share of initial struggles with deployment but … ok

Meteor setup on Galaxy, few lines of deployment, everything super easy for automatic deployments
(30 minutes reading guides + setup)

Meteor setup on Digital Ocean and MUP, a bit more manual work, then everything super easy to deploy automatically
(3-4 hours reading guides + setup)

Standard nodejs app either via pm2 or manually
(4-6 hours reading guides + setup)

I don’t know, I would say the setup is not too difficult for meteor apps, even when you run your own linux server, whether that’s in the cloud or somewhere else.

Warning, do not feed the trolls.


You know. Software can be painful. I love and hate Javascript, because there are so many changes. However, these changes are contributing to some of Javascript’s successes and also my own successes.

That same thing can be said about Meteor. Its awesome and there is no equivalent. Believe me, I’ve built many dashboard systems, trying to solve all the things that Meteor solves for us. Server / client communication, architecture planning ( guide), realtime capabilities, caching, etc. etc.

The above things are just the obvious ones, but there is so much stuff already solved for us that we don’t even see. Believe me, I’ve been there many times. The funny, but painful thing is that because Meteor solves it using its magic, fresh developers and the ones from other area’s will never experience those pain-points and blame Meteor for its ‘complexity’. They usually start of on their own by building something using the ‘lightweight’ frameworks only to discover later on that they’ve spend an entire year of development on something that Meteor still does much better. Typical Dunning Cruger.

Even worse, those developers usually encounter a lot of bottlenecks and surprise! These are the same things mentioned in this very topic.

I know that there also other great projects out there. The same things goes for the developers creating and maintaining them. My point is. Are you willing to spend your time and the bosses money to built something new and take that responsibility?

As for the one click deployment. Some statistics. Meteor is supported in many OS’s, which happen to be in a war. “Back in the days” things went slow. Operating systems took many months to update and if updates were there, you didnt get them via the web! Windows and apple were the only ones that mattered to ‘non-developers’. So easily said, software didnt require change!

However, today is different. We have many operating systems. The rise of Fedora with Gnome and Ubuntu, both changing really fast (6 month release cycles). Android, Windows, OsX, etc etc. All competing against eachother. Then there is the web and browser wars. They also constantly change!

I think Meteor is doing just fine and yes, it has some pain points, but don’t tell me that early systems on windows did not have them. Btw, the internet is full of this:


Wow. Ban this sexist fool.


Yep, I have to agree. But at the end of the day, it’s very easy to write an own bash script that deploys your bundled app to the server, unzips it and starts it via PM2 (including a pm2.config file to start multiple setups). That’s the solution I finally use and it works great.

However, I agree that this thread should be closed. There is no reason to help ignorant/rude people.

I think any of the original points in this (somewhat scattered) topic of a thread have been addressed quite reasonably by the many who have replied.

Given that this thread isn’t productive anymore and that it’s devolved into (and contains) conversation which is completely off-topic, I’m closing it.

Lastly, offensive and derogatory language about women is unacceptable, even in a joking way, in any form – on-line or off. As you can see by the respectable responses above, being proud of it won’t stand here.