Join in online, or in person in London
Facebook event link
We’re a community of volunteers who create projects and activities to make this world friendlier, happier and safer by targeting the roots of societal issues.
We have no funding and need your help to make some magic happen
Please write to anyone you know who you think might be interested and invite them to join in
The Brighter Tomorrows Map
We’ve been working on this Meteor based resource map for 1.5 years now and it’s close to launch, one weekend push should get it there! This Hack-Day is to finally launch, and promote it so it can begin helping those on the streets all around the World.
The map is called the ‘Brighter Tomorrow’s Map’ and it lists all the resources available to people who are living on the streets, with a focus on reducing the barrier between the public who want to do something to help, and those who are living on the streets around the World.
established resources to meet basic needs like where to find showers, washing machines, addiction support groups, shelters
informal resources to help change their circumstances like free suit hire for job interviews, pass it on coffee
enabling the public to create a resource, for example i might offer informal CV help at a local library, or weekly web dev classes in a cafe
enabling people to filter and print off maps and lists of resources so they can be easily handed out to rough sleepers, or anyone in serious hardship, around the World including; the current Homelessness Crisis in the UK, Asylum seekers/migrants across Europe, The massive amount of US army veterans living on the streets
Needed Skills:
Meteor Developers
UX/UI Designers
Graphic Design
Marketing/SEO Skills
A few Devs are racing to Alpha launch before the day so we can review and maximise benefit from the Hack, you’d be heroically welcomed if you want to join in:
(Rough) Roadmap
New Forum
Happiness Hack
Our community brings people together to volunteer their skills and time to design and build projects which tackle societal issues in creative and fun ways. Like the Map above.
Facebook is inadequate, and our website is not able to support project management and our community yet. Alongside the Homelessness Map those with other skills will be building the main site to get our web presence and portal into a state that is able to support and grow many more humanitarian projects.
All skills can be utilised, these would be especially helpful:
Graphic Design
Video Editing
Database Management
Copy Writing
Marketing, PR and Branding
Growth Hacking
(Rough) Roadmap:
More projects being worked on
A terribly vague and fairly confusing ‘about us’ page:
Wrapping Up
I will be funding Pizza and perhaps a couple of beers in London, have volunteers coming to give massage, bring food and make tea.
We are run 100% not-for-profit, and have for the past 5 years operated entirely on positive energy and good people. No finances, or money besides what i sink in to keep it a float and a Kindness Auction we’ve just launched to help support it as it grows
If you’ve read this far i want you to know that you are an amazing human-being, and i’m grateful that you found our efforts interesting enough to give your time to
Andy at Focallocal :0)