Good strategies for debugging MongoDB's Oplogs?

We’ve been having some performance issues, and we’ve managed to link that to our publications. We managed to make some improvements, but it seems there’s still room for more. The problem is that I’m not really sure on how to research the topic further, as I don’t know the best way to debug Mongo’s Oplog to see what’s taking a tow on our CPU.

I know there are technologies like Redis Oplog, but without knowing more details about our Oplog usage we can’t know for sure if the problem is our internal logic or Meteor`s Oplog system.

Are there any reliable ways to degug oplogs that would allow us to see metrics about the Oplog notifications and what updates are generating them? Any other suggestions that would allow us to improve our understanding of how the Oplogs work in our app would help a lot as well.

We currently use MontiAPM, which allow us to see which Publications receives the most oplog notifications, but it doesn’t allow us to dive deep into what’s generating those notifications.

I call the Radek of the polish!!