Good work with the git head ;)

This is from meteor --release 1.3-modules-beta.8

Another run

Iā€™m sure that somewhere in the Internet thereā€™s an app which eats meteor profile outputs and displays nice graphics where you can compare different runs easily :wink: Just need to finā€¦ google it.

@dgreensp Currently meteor HEAD origin/master is the fastest ;( In both METEOR_PROFILE and wall time too.

EDIT: need to double check this was actually 1.2.1

meteor 1.2.1
Another run. Really hard to have ā€œstableā€ numbers out of the testingā€¦

Meteor 1.2.2-faster-rebuilds.0


Some results measured from my app code. First timestamp is inserted into JavaScript file using sed before changing the files in meteor watched dir. Server reload time calculated when the js code actually runs (server startup js). Tests were run on (where you can also collaborate :wink: instance which has 2.5GB memory, 10GB SSD disk, IntelĀ® XeonĀ® CPU @ 2.50GHz (8 core) with load averages from 4.00 to 20.

Analysis: Pretty hard to sum up from server side reload speed. However, itā€™s worth remembering that because of the way 1.3 handles the reload ( ) 1.3 feels MUCH faster when observed from the browser.

Times measured from code in application. Same code for all runs. 
All js/html files regenerated everytime (=updated timestamp). 
Directories timestamps unchanged.

All test results: No averages, just a single or two values from log 
after ramp-up of ~4 rebuilds.

meteor git d4d0753 (HEAD, origin/master, master):       15 seconds.

meteor 1.2.1                                            24 and 34 seconds.

--release 1.3-modules-beta.8                            19 and 29 seconds.

git checkout release-1.3                                24 seconds.

Meteor 1.2.2-faster-rebuilds.0                          22 seconds.

Meteor application source (js/html) generation script:


function build { 
 STARTDATE=`date +$TS`
 sed -i.bak -e "s/SERVER_START_TIME/$STARTDATE/g"  pitpa.json    
 echo Starting meteor-kitchen $STARTDATE
 meteor-kitchen pitpa.json PITPA
# patch -p0 < login.patch

Javascript inside application that measures time from html/js generation until the code actually executes:

console.log("Application server code running..");

var d1 = new Date("SERVER_START_TIME");
var d2 = new Date();

console.log("Server modified at "+d1 );
console.log("Server code reached at "+d2 );

var diff=d2-d1;
console.log("Server reload took "+
    Math.floor(diff / 1e3), 'seconds.'