Google Analytics and conversion tracking blocked by adBlock

I have just noticed that my Google tracking codes are blocked by adBlock. There are existing answers but I was wondering if there’s a “Meteor” solution to go around this problem.

The question on Stack Overflow:

This is what I see in console:

Disabling adBlock solves my problem but I obviously can’t ask all the visitors to do so :smile:

Thanks for any suggestions!


We’re trialling astronomer to instrument an app and send date to an analytics platform (we’re using Mixpanel, but GA is also supported). The cool thing with this is that multiple analytics platforms can be used simultaneously. Little more than meteor add astronomerio:core and a small configuration is needed.

Hi @robfallows, we also have troubles with our GA trackings and we are looking into alternative solutions.
It’s been a couple of days since your reply. Could you share with us your advice on astronomer. It seems the package is plugged to a web-service and I’m kind of reluctant to sign-up on a platform with so little visibility on what’s going on there (no clue of any pricing, etc). Thanks!

The astronomer service acts as an intermediary between your app and your chosen analytics provider(s), so depending on your usage, you may incur charges from them as well as your analytics providers. The pricing for astronomer is on their pricing page.

We have had a few issues with compatibility of their in-app package with our app, but have worked with their dev team to resolve these. It’s still quite new and my feeling is that they are keen to work with users to iron out issues and develop astronomer even more.

If you’re serious about using it and feel uncomfortable about what you’re getting into, I suggest reaching out to @ryw (Ry Walker) who I’m sure will help.

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Thank you Rob, as a matter of fact, I can’t figure out how I could miss the pricing page and menu. After a few other researches, I went on and signed up to test their service. We had no issue so far (we don’t have any mobile app yet though). Thank you for your feedbacks.

We’re very actively developing the system, and are super responsive to support requests.

Just launching Amazon Redshift integration this week (a little detail here: but more coming this week.)

Let me know if you run into any issues!
