Google API scopes not working for ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3


I have a problem making the ian:accounts-ui-bootstrap-3 google login the right way.
The problem is that I’m not able to force any google API scopes on OAuth login.

Running any of the:

    requestPermissions: {
        google: ['email']
        //google: ['']
        //google: ['']

shows the unexpected “Offline Access” scope on the google confirmation page only but not expected “email address” scope.
Just wonder if the module is meteor v1.4 compatible as it seems it’s not maintained for over a year …

Have just verified that the same module is working well for METEOR@ using the configuration like

    requestPermissions: {
         google: ['']

Displaying the “email address” and “profile details” scopes to the logging in user. So it seems it’s the meteor version problem…

Just remove the application permission for the given account (on the google security pages), then you see the proper scopes again. But just for first login attempt. Once you remove the meteor user and then try to recreate account, G+ API will show strange “offline mode” scope message, again. That’s because old G+ token is still valid upon creating new meteor account for given email address.