Grapher seems to need maintaners

As stated lastly by @diaconutheodor Grapher seems to be a lost child. Unfortunatly, as time go by, Grapher prohibit update to meteor 2.* and begins to raise errors.
What a pity for such wonderful piece of sotware !

For example, on meteor 2.0, the link type “one to many” is broken due to meteor’s mongo package.

const relation = collection_source.getLink( collection_source_id, link_name );
relation.add( collection_target_ids );

will raise this exception

Exception while invoking method '' MongoError: '$set' is empty. You must specify a field like so: {$set: {<field>: ...}}
I20220108-01:40:41.560(1)?     at Function.create (/Users/ergo/.meteor/packages/npm-mongo/.
I20220108-01:40:41.561(1)?     at toError (/Users/ergo/.meteor/packages/npm-mongo/.
I20220108-01:40:41.561(1)?     at /Users/ergo/.meteor/packages/npm-mongo/.
I20220108-01:40:41.561(1)?     at /Users/ergo/.meteor/packages/npm-mongo/.

Strange as the add function doesn’t use $set modifier in its query, but $addToSet

So, do someone maintain a fork somewhere ?
Would the meteor community do so ?

Thanks for your highlights.

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@diaconutheodor offered on asked on many occasions for help and he’s willing to assign someone to.
Here’s his comment in #grapher channel in Slack. I think he’ll gladly accept if any of you guys reach out to him.

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Sorry, I’m not in this community. Let’s join !

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Reach him via Email or GH issues or something he’ll surely let you in on the repo if you’d like

I’ve created a PR on github.
Hope i’ll review it once ?!