GraphQL with React: The Complete Developers Guide

GraphQL with React: The Complete Developers Guide

This course just came out on Udemy.I’m half way through, but so far so good. Sometimes you’ll find it on sale for $15 but if you really want to learn GraphQL without cobbling your own curriculum together, it’s probably worth the $150 (I got it on sale for $15 though).

Note, this is not my course. The author does throw some shade at MDG/Apollo when he goes over options (relay, apollo, lokka). Nothing major, just funny to hear. That said, the course author does choose apollo client over relay/lokka.

So, this is a good course if you want to get a grip on GraphQL (express-graphql + apollo client). In general, I highly recommend any of this guy’s courses.


I’m halfway through it too. I’m a giant fan of Stephen Grider!

I have some experience in React and Apollo, so the course has been a little slow, but it did fill some of my knowledge lapses.



[Course author here]

I’ve been really happy with how the course turned out, I think its a good step forward in learning how to work with GraphQL. Here’s a coupon code to get it for $15:



I completed the course and loved it! I’m using Elixir/Phoenix/Absinthe for the backend, but your express-graphql portions were still completely relevant and helpful. Thanks for the great course! (Looking forward to the Phoenix update too!)

Highly recommended for anyone getting into GraphQL!