GUI to Manage MongoDB from Digital Ocean

The solution I posted above that uses tunnel and port forwarding doesn’t rely on an ssh key, just an ssh connection. You can ssh with a username and password using the same command…

When you say solution, what do I do with “ssh -L 4001:localhost:27017 root@your.drop.let.ip”?

Where does it go?

In the ssh settings, where do I put that?

OK. so someone posted faulty data on to my app today. So I needed a quick solution so I could go in and edit the collection.

I am now using the houston admin package as a temporary way of editing the collections. I’d rather a more secure option, but it will do until we get investors for this project.

That’s a modified version of the ssh command line function that also sets up port forwarding. So you would run that in a terminal window. Then open up your robomongo and just use localhost:4001 as the connection, no security needed.

Hi, you can try our new app Mingo.

The first release of Mingo is out. It’s still in Beta, but already loaded with features unseen in well-knows MongoDB GUIs.

more info:

You can download the app on