I’m currently using meteor-collection2
and I’ve a problem with errors thrown by it’s validation system.
On “lib” folder, I defined my collection, and attach a SimpleSchema
to it. Then, I defined a Meteor.method
# define methods
# create
RecipeCommentCreate: (options) ->
# find recipe
recipe = Recipes.findOne(options.recipeId)
if !recipe
throw new (Meteor.Error)(404, 'Recipe not found')
# init comment
comment =
message: options.message
_id: recipe._id
# insert comment
So, this code is running both on client-side
and on server-side
, for using latency compensation (and it’s perfect, because collection2 can work on both sides).
But, on calling this methode (thanks to an event on client-side) :
# call method
Meteor.call 'RecipeCommentCreate', options, (error, result) ->
if error
# throw error
Errors.throw error.reason
# reset form
This doesn’t work in the right way, because error
in callback is only errors thrown by the server-side. Errors thrown by collection2 on the client side just make log in my browser console, and don’t stop the code :
[Log] Exception while simulating the effect of invoking 'RecipeCommentCreate' (meteor.js, line 890)
So, if someone can help me to understand what I do in the wrong way…
Many thanks,