Has anyone gotten ddp-rate-limiter working?

Trying to rate-limit my methods with DDPRateLimiter - ddp-rate-limiter. Doesn’t seem to respect my rules.

I made an example repo with both regular methods as well as mdg:validated-method.

Ran into this while working on making a rate-liming mixin for validated-method https://github.com/meteor/validated-method/issues/19

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I think instead method: 'nonValidatedMethod' you should use name: 'nonValidatedMethod' there is a bug in the docs


btw it is quite weird that till now it isn’t corrected :wink: I mean example code because in the description there is ‘name’

Hmm, I thought I fixed this. Will do now.

Oh darn, just had this commit sitting on my computer for a month and never deployed:

Thanks Sheel!

Anyway, it is deployed now. Thanks for bringing it up again.

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I got it working about a month ago. One thing I noticed with this package is that it “limited the rates” of my method calls, but it still got crippled by DDOS attacks. The package does what it says, but do not try to use it as a firewall.

I use Sikka now, which does a a much better job at not letting server resources get wasted when I’m getting attacked.

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erm… the bad example using the “method” key is still on https://atmospherejs.com/meteor/ddp-rate-limiter