Heads up! Can't have 2 files with the same name in a package...?

Hello everyone,

I have taken a whole day debugging this, I lost about half my hair too. Consider this following folder structure:

|--- package.js
|--- client.js
|--- client
|    |--- lib
|    |    |--- editor.js
|    |--- views
|         |--- editor.js
|         |--- editor.html

This package is a wrapper for an in-house wysiwyg editor. lib/editor exports the editor object from which we create the editor instance.

I also have editor.js and editor.html in my views folder which will be the template that will be used by the packageā€™s users. We want both to expose the template and the libā€™s editor, so in client.js which is my api.mainModule I wrote this

import {Waggle_Editor} from './client/lib/editor.js'
import './client/views/editory.js'

export {Waggle_Editor};

So far so good huh? Well I thought so too! But on the application, the template was not declared and created a template not found error. I tried added/removing stuff in onRendered or onCreated but nothing did it. I tried adding the html file to client.js and then I could see my html, but no javascript was ran on it, just as if views/editor.js never got importedā€¦

So I got sick of it and continued my way onto another package I needed to create, it had a very similar setup and everything was working fine! So I copy/paste most contents to make sure it was identical, then pointed to the files I wanted to and still no joy.

It turns out that renaming the file corrected this behaviorā€¦ So by just renaming editor.js to editor1.js and fixing the related imports, everything worked.

So my question is this: Is this a normal behaviour? Have I overlooked something in the docs, or in my files (which are slightly bigger than the example) I have not tried to reproduce on an empty package but Iā€™m pretty confident that it would do the same.

With that structure all files will be eagerly loaded and will therefore follow the ā€œMeteor Classicā€ loading order strategy.

In order for import to work you need to make sure those files are not eagerly loaded - so somewhere under an imports/ directory.

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Thanks Rob, I do remember that this was in effect. I thought that for packages using the modules package this was not a problem anymore.

Furthermore, now that I think of it, if all files were to be eagerly loaded, the template would be defined and use-able wouldnā€™t it?

Well, I donā€™t think having files with the same name is a problem. All (JavaScript) files are wrapped in a self executing closure, so there should be no issue there. However, it looked like you were being affected by load order - hence my answer.

However, I did miss the package-folder :confounded:. Load order for packages is managed within the package.js.

Exactly what I thought. You are pointing out that there should be no issue at all. But taking my example, just renaming my file made it workā€¦

I was, and still am, not expecting such behavior, I cannot make up any reason for why this would be, but it seems to be :confused:

Was editory.js (extra y at the end) just a copy/paste error in your code sample?

Iā€™m sorry, thatā€™s a mistake on my part, I copied the working code
(editor.js was renamed editors.js). We should read editor.js