Help me find an old Investor's quote


I’m almost sure I read a quote shared by meteor on twitter about an investor who put money in a company using Meteor.

What I remember is that he said he never saw a company releasing features so quickly.

Do you know where to find it?

I think I heard that one in connection with workpop. Unfortunately, I am not sure, but it might be in the meteor q&a workpop. In any case, in this article, you’ll find the following quote:

“Berman explains that the speed of development is due, in large part, to Workpop’s use of the Meteor platform which, according to, allows developers to build “top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time.” In Workpop’s case at least, that seems to be a reasonable boast.”

Hope that helps.


You rock! It’s exactly that! Thank you very much! I’ll use it tomorrow