I am developing an open source project that involves a qt desktop app that interfaces with a meteor app. This was my first foray into the world of meteor development and I’ve nearly finished coding the web app. Unfortunately I’ve had to put the project on hold for a while due to a couple of incomplete features.
I need a ratings feature that will enable every registered user to vote once per item and then I need to display the combined average rating from all users for each item. I have the ratings system in place so that users can submit their rating but in order to display the average rating per item I need a client side aggregate function. I would also like to implement a comments feature on every item page before this app is deployed.
I don’t have much spare time to dedicate to this project and I’d prefer to focus on the qt development which I have more experience with. I’m hoping to find an experienced meteor developer who can finish the incomplete features and perhaps do a thorough audit of my code. Any tips would be appreciated.
I’d like to deploy the app so I can move forward with the qt development which requires a functional web app for updating. If anyone is interested in helping with this project please post pull requests to the project linked below. Thank you!