Help to find Error on Cordova-plugin-smtp-client (Meteor Mobile)

Hello im using the cordova plugin cordova-plugin-smtp-client, my code is set as follow:

var mailSettings = {
emailFrom: "",
emailTo: "",
smtp: “”,
smtpUserName: "",
smtpPassword: “”,
port: 25,
subject: “subject here”,
textBody: “body here”,
attachmentsInBase64Format: [],

            var success = function(message) {
              alert("Orden Enviada Satisfactoriamente");

            var failure = function(message) {

            smtpClient.sendMail(mailSettings, success, failure);

but my problem is im getting always the error (INVALID ACTION), if any one can help we how to get the real error so i can fix the problem

Thanks in Advance