Help with creating "userpage" with FlowRouter

Hi. I’ve been working with FlowRouter and I’m working on a “userpage” that will show the the posts and comments created by a specific user when the user’s name is clicked.

I tried implementing the techniques but I was unsucesdful. Can you help me?
This is what I’ve done so far;

I created a “userpage” template.
And then I made a route;

    FlowRouter.route('/arguement/:username', {  
           name: 'userpage',
           action: function(params) {  
           BlazeLayout.render("layout", {main: "userpage"});

And then I made a helper for the template;


                 argument: function() {
                // Finds a post with the _id value set to the _id paramater from FlowRouter's URL.
                 return Posts.find({ username: FlowRouter.getParam('username') });

The posts are iterated on the template like this;

                {#each argument} ... {/each}

And the URL to the template is presented in the html as this;

                {{pathFor 'userpage'}}/{{username}}

After all this, the “userpage” template appears blank when visited. The appropriate username does appear in the URL but only the layout shows up.

I’m wondering if there’s a mistake here.

I implore your generous continued assistance. After a few examples, I will be more experienced to tackle similar problems.


Add some debugging to your argument helper like:

  argument() {
    const username = FlowRouter.getParam('username');
    console.log(`Username: ${username}`);
    const userPosts = Posts.find({ username });
    console.log(`User posts: ${userPosts.fetch()}`);
    return userPosts;

Then let us know what you see for the 2 console.log statements. Also double check that you’re subscribing to your Posts data.

It didn’t work.

And I still have auto-publish on.