Hey guys, I have a (hopefully quick) question for you guys about something I may be just approaching incorrectly. This may be more of a programming questions than a Meteor specific one, but in my case it applies to Meteor so here I am. Anyway…
I have a ‘Reports’ collection that has very similar fields as my ‘Equipment’ collections. I am generating a single report by gathering information about how the user would like to sort/view items in the ‘Equipment’ form. On the server I am then grabbing all of the fields that the user filled out in the Report (reports.find().fetch().fieldName). This will give me some fields with a value and some ‘undefined’. I am then using these variables to run ‘find()’ through the Equipment to return all items that match the form they filled out but it doesn’t return what I want because of the ‘undefined’. I am sure this is confusing, so here is an example of what I am talking about…
(field name="Company")
(field name="Employee")
//inserted into Report
//assuming the user wanted to sort by company
company = Reports.find().fetch().Company;
employee = Reports.find().fetch().Employee;
Equipment.find({ Company: company, Employee: employee });
Since the user selected a company but left Employee blank, I want to sort through Equipment for all items matching that company, however I think it is returning all items where Equipment has a Company and no Employee (when I want to return w/ and w/o Employee).
Hopefully this all makes sense. I can clarify if it doesn’t.
Thanks for the help in advance.