Help with Meteor project error message [SOLVED]

I found a fascinating project ( that claims to collect and display netflow/sflow network statistics using a Meteor program. The site provides an install script that seems to work. But running the program produces an error in the Meteor code that I find inscrutable.

So I’m turning to the Meteor Forum to get some help figuring out how to debug this. The error message I see is:

$ node /home/flowbat/FlowBAT/private/bundle/main.js

TypeError: Cannot read property 'isDebug' of undefined
    at lib/
    at lib/
    at /home/flowbat/FlowBAT/private/bundle/programs/server/boot.js:222:10
    at Array.forEach (native)
    at Function._.each._.forEach (/home/flowbat/FlowBAT/private/bundle/programs/server/node_modules/underscore/underscore.js:79:11)
    at /home/flowbat/FlowBAT/private/bundle/programs/server/boot.js:117:5

To make it reproducible, I created a Dockerfile that installs all the pieces needed. You can read the installation steps starting at line 58 of or look at the README file to see how to run it.

Could I get some advice about how to troubleshoot this (purportedly working) program? Many thanks.

Good news. This application was built and tested with an old version of Meteor (0.9.1). Forcing the installation with curl seems to have moved things in the right direction