Help with returning a boolean

If i have a template (called result), a function (called neww), and a number (called number and randomly generated from 0-1), how would I create a boolean inside a helper that returned a true or false value based on if number was greater than 0.5 or not? I have:

‘neww’: function(){
return number > 0.5

But that always returns false.

Any answers would be appreciated, thanks.

In the code you have shown there is no visibility of where number has come from. As shown it’s likely to be undefined.

If all you want is to randomly generate a true/false and do not need to know the underlying value, you could use:

  'neww': function(){
    return Random.fraction() > 0.5; // or Math.random()

Random.fraction() is available if you meteor add random.

Math.random() is always available, but is cryptographically weaker.