I found http://waveshosting.com, A cloud application that allow you to connects your AWS accounts to manage and deploy meteor apps.
Already have three apps running and it realy cool to deploy a new version through his dashborad or his cli typing “waves deploy” also easy to set up a load balancer, ssl certificate or simple restart your app.
It’s free for one app and their have a coupon to get 3 month of 50% off for his unlimited version
What I’m asking for is if I have to create new app in each of the desired regions or if I create an app and then select the regions, etc. and hence have one deploy command that then gets it to all containers across globe.
Right now with Galaxy if I want to update my app I have to deploy to all regions individually. I’m looking for something that simplifies this in similar way as MongoDB Atlas.
That is the killer feature I’m looking for, but I do admit that it is way advanced (MongoDB Atlas makes it look way too easy). I don’t recall any app hosting service having that, but admittedly I haven’t looked too much outside of Galaxy.