tl;dr There needs to be exactly one rendered instance of a particular template so long as any parent template needs it. How would you go about achieving this?
There are a number of jQuery UI dialogs used to edit complex property objects in the application – one dialog per type/class. Each dialog is in its own Blaze template. There is now a case when both a parent object and a child object can both have a complex property of the same type, thus the parent view template then includes the child view template and both of those templates include their own instance/copy of the template with the jQuery UI dialog editor template (which causes problems: duplicate DOM element IDs, etc.). If the parent is of a different type or if that particular child property is empty/undefined then this doesn’t happen. Fortunately, there is no dialog recursion possible (i.e. none of the complex properties can possibly have a child property of an ancestor’s type).
All such dialog templates can be included in the root view and only in the root view template. However, that leaves potentially a dozen-plus dialogs sitting around unused in the DOM and obfuscates why these dialogs are necessary (which templates use them).
- There can be an app/window -level ReactiveVar maintaining a running count of dialogs that must be available. This alleviates the excess-dialogs issue and at least leaves a code mark on the template actually demanding access to the singleton dialog, but maintaining client state about what dialogs need to be available seems like a bit much. I don’t think that the client root should have to know/hold what dialogs its children templates cumulatively need.
I was trying to think through and write a singleton template wrapper template (use
and render only if there isn’t one), but have not gotten that working. -
I’ve considered trying to create an editor dialog factory (keep 1 “extra” empty dialog around and dynamically populate its body with the correct form on open), but not attempted that yet.
There is probably some kind of a solution using template UUIDs and a factory pattern to turn out unique editor dialogs, but that feels wasteful and unnecessarily complex.