How can I access Object in an Nested Object in an Array in Meteor

I am using the following Publication to aggregate active trials for my product:

Meteor.publish('pruebasActivas', function() {
  var pruebasActivas = Clientes.aggregate([
  $match: {
    'saldoPrueba': {
      '$gt': 0
}, {
  $group: {
    _id: {
      id: '$_id',
      cliente: '$cliente'
    totalPruebas: {
      $sum: '$saldoPrueba'

if (pruebasActivas && pruebasActivas.length > 0 && pruebasActivas[0]) {
  return this.added('aggregate3', 'dashboard.pruebasActivas', pruebasActivas);

Which throws the following array as a result

  "0": {
    "_id": {
      "id": "YByiuMoJ3shBfTyYQ",
      "cliente": "Foo"
    "totalPruebas": 30000
  "1": {
    "_id": {
      "id": "6AHsPAHZhbP3fCBBE",
      "cliente": "Foo 2"
    "totalPruebas": 20000
  "_id": "dashboard.pruebasActivas"

Using Blaze how can I iterate over this Array with Objects in order to get “cliente” and “totalPruebas” to show?

If your goal is to show cliente and totalPruebas for that client,

{{#each content}}
    {{this._id.cliente}}: {{this.totalPruebas}}

I had to write a helper

  pruebasActivas: function(){
    var ob = myCollection.findOne(); // assuming your collection returns a single object
    var clientes = [];

for (var p in ob){
  if (ob.hasOwnProperty(p) && p !== "_id"){

    // here we flatten the object down to two keys
    clientes.push({cliente: ob[p]._id.cliente, totalPruebas: ob[p].totalPruebas});
return clientes;

and then

<template name="myTemplate">
  {{#each pruebasActivas}}
    Cliente: {{cliente}}
    Total Pruebas: {{totalPruebas}}