How can I make client wait for the server return?

I’m using in the client, but it returns undefined immediately didn’t wait for my server function return value. what should I do or is there have any alternative options?

there is an example here: Test sync method call.
You can find the source code at
Hopefully it’ll solve your problem. is asynchronous, so you have to give it a callback to get the result.

There’s three ways you can do this (being javascript):

1. Plan old callback'do.something', function (error, result) {
    // Code in here will run later after the call has completed
    // Do something with the result
// Code below the call will run immediately

2. Use Promises:

new Promise((resolve, reject) =>'do.something', (error, result) => {
  // This callback just allows you to use  the Meteor call as a promise
  if (err) return reject(error);
}).then(result => {
    // Code in here will run later after the call has completed
    // Do something with the result
}).catch(error => {
  // This will run if there was an error in the Meteor call or in your `then`
// Code below the promise will run immediately

3. Use Async/Await

Note that await is only available inside an async function, which will —in turn — return a promise

const result = await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>'do.something', (error, result) => {
  // This callback just allows you to use  the Meteor call as a promise
  if (err) return reject(error);
// This will wait till the call is complete and the promise resolves
// Now do something with result

Now this can be a bit verbose since doesn’t return a promise.
If you use a package like deanius:promise, it simplifies greatly:

const result = await Meteor.callPromise('do.something');
// Do something with result

Or without an async function

Meteor.callPromise('do.something').then(result => {
  // Do something with result

You can see that the three ways all build on each other as evolutions of the previous syntax


thx.I use async and await in server side ,then everything works fine . Thx a lot.

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